Archive for October, 2009

late game. best for last

i wish. not that grand.

i’m tackling the nasa budget debate, that is, whether or not nasa should be getting more money or not.

this debate has a few different framings, with everything from “should they get more money” to “should they even still exist”

i plan on tackling the framing of whether or not theyre still useful, and probably suggesting an alternative to simply removing them, based on my research. i suppose i’ll also indirectly answer the question of whether or not their recent activity merits further money.


my sources are basically the internet. i’ve already gathered some government budget statistics, as well as some nasa documentation on budget and plans and recent activity. i’m also using news coverage from many different view points, as well as debates from several forums and debate sites. ideally i want to gather as many opinions from many different levels as possible, in order to analyze the way the public thought flows on this one.


my database as i’ve currently outlined it is just a collection of items under tabs that explain their usefulness to me. for example, i have the ethos-pathos-logos appeals, statistics, historical events of relevance, major stakeholders, popular beliefs, relevant facts, counter arguments, etc. just a rough collection of thoughts with headings, similar to a file cabinet. it isnt x-y, more of just a x.


it isnt terribly relevant in the wake of many larger issues, but as one of the sources i read describes, the us budget can be broken down into millions of pieces, each small as this, so everyone has an impact. it was a presidential campaign topic, but one of the lower key ones, i believe.


the rhetorical context would probably be a letter do a congressman of some sort, or possibly to an editor

it should ideally go before people in power, but the average citizen sways the people in power, so meh.





hope this is good, because i’m working straight through the assignment tonight!

October 29, 2009 at 8:37 am Leave a comment

The Game Plan

Issue: Marijuana isn’t legal for recreational use. It has possible health benefits but also some adverse effects. It should be legalized for all to enjoy. When even our President has smoked it before doesn’t that mean that anyone can?

Sources: This is a kairotic debate and I am sure i will find websites dedicated just to showing the positive effects of marijuana and also sites that will be showing the opposite. I can also talk to the NORML club at UCF, whose main goal is to legalize this drug.

Database  Structure: My database will be structured on the pros and cons of this issue where i will analyze its effects on the stakeholders since it is such a broad issue and the supporters and critics are numerous.

Relevance/Significance: This is a hot issue in college, and many people outside of college want to legalize it or keep it illegal.

Rhetorical Situation: There are many rhetorical situations where this issue could fit in, but the most popular have been in ad campaigns. I believe that a letter to a legislator would be beneficial. Protesting I’m sure could be helpful.

Delicious – moelmenshawi

Google Docs –

October 19, 2009 at 3:50 am 3 comments

Paper 3 Plan

Issue: Network neutrality is the idea of Internet service providers acting simply as providers of Internet connections, without the ability to vary what degree of access their users have to the Internet. Currently, the FCC is pushing toward a more net neutral situation than is presently in effect, since at this time ISPs have the ability to monitor and then limit connection speed or access for certain users.

Sources: I will be using sources that relate to technology, such as Wired and CNET, as well as various websites that are proponents of net neutrality. Through the technology periodicals, I will gain information about the network providers’ stance on net neutrality.

Database Structure: My database will be structured around the stakeholders for this issue, analyzing their arguments and looking at the impact of net neutrality on each of the stakeholders.

Relevance/Significance: This issue is relevant because the restriction of Internet access is in conflict with freedom of speech, and has also been a policy issue in recent times.

Rhetorical Situation: The rhetorical situation that this issue would best fit would most likely be a letter to legislators who are involved in the policy making related to this issue, or as a letter to the editor of a technology periodical.

Delicious username: bryanburr

Google Docs username:

October 19, 2009 at 1:39 am 1 comment

My Plan: Paper 3

Issue: With current drastic budget cuts from government and corporate sponsorship, the arts are losing funding. This includes visual arts, performance, concert series, and even school programs that raise artistic awareness. Barak Obama’s stimulus plan was debated in the Senate and originally had zero financial support to the National Endowment to the Arts, and finalized to provide only 0.0063 percent of its funding for artistic support and development. I plan on researching the benefits of government support the arts as well as the cons of this financial commitment.

Sources:  My sources will come from the local newspapers, members of the artistic world, government websites, sites of senators who support or oppose this funding, and local institutions that are affected by the financial cut. I want to have an understanding of how art institutions would otherwise be able to increase funding without government aid, and learn about why the government should consider investing more into the arts. I have a strong emotional appeal for my argument because of my background in performance, and would like to add some facts and authority to my argument after viewing the opposing side.

Database:  The x-axis will be a listing of my sources by title of the article and author. Going horizontally, there will be supplemental information about each source, such as summary of the article, stakeholder, argument/counterargument (if applicable), rhetoric strategies used, important data, and audience.

Rhetorical Situations: 1. A local newspaper submission explaining to citizens the reasons for pushing congress to aid the arts financially, accompanied by the facts from both sides and a brief background on the issue. 2. A persuasive letter to legislation giving my reasons for funding the arts, examples of how this will benefit education and preservation of our American history.

My googledocs account is and my Delicious username is Sarah1twin. (I have been having trouble with my internet for the past few hours so I hope they are working now.)

October 18, 2009 at 5:35 am 1 comment

Assignment Plan (Paper 3)

Topic/Issue: The U.S. Federal government should ban the use of texting while driving in all 50 states.

Types of sources: I plan to use sources that include: Time Magazine, Kansas City Star, The Wall Street Journal, Christian Science Monitor, and quotes from State Legislatures to build a strong ethos in my argument. These sources cover kairotic events, surveys by drivers, legal action, scientific studies, and politicians’ quotes.

Database structure: The structure and order of the columns in my database will be set up so that the information is given, the source, the rhetorical appeal, the audience, the stakeholders, and last any notes on the issue.

Relevance/ Significance: This issue has been kairotic ever since texting has become popular, esspecially among teens. Everyday people die because of texting and driving. The new comparisson is how the effects of texting and driving match up with the effects of drinking and driving. The issue is so kairotic that the right has been abolished in 17 states and the U.S. Congress is examining a nationwide illegalization of the priveledge.

Rhetorical Situation: I would like to see the research in an editorial to an newpaper, preferably online because a lot of grass-root Americans would have access to the issue at hand. In order to adhance the situation I want to contribute an anecdote to the information so that the readers can have some kind of emotional connection. I would use an emotional story to use a pathos appeal on the reader and effectively stand by the movement to ban texting in America while driving.

My user name for Delicious is grynard6857 , and my Google Docs is

Gavin Rynard

October 17, 2009 at 11:14 pm 2 comments

Legalizing Marijuana18

Topic/Issue: The fight for the legalization of marijuana has been going on now for many years.  Should marijuana just be legalized?

Types of sources: I will use blogs, news articles, videos, forums, websites, and historical references.

Database structure: My database will be organized by: types of argument (pathos, ethos, logos), by side (for or against legalization), and by age groups.

Relevance/ Significance: Many people see the prohibition of marijuana as a violation of their rights as a person.  Why should the government be able to take that away from you?  This is especially kairotic with the younger crowd (college kids) as many of them take their time in college to experiment and try new things.

Rhetorical Situation: I would definitely publish/present my work in the campus newspaper and  because I feel that college students for and against the legalization would be interested in this topic. (younger crowd)

I would also like to address the state government in writing a letter to the governor. (older crowd)

Another alternative/addition would be Facebook and MySpace.  After the explosion of both social networks, this could be a an efficient way to put my message out there for people of all different age groups. (mixed crowd)

google docs:

Delicious: bvgarcia826

October 17, 2009 at 11:02 pm 2 comments

Paper 3: Part 1: Assignment Plan

Issue: I am planning on writing on the issue of abortion and investigating the arguments of both the pro-life and pro-choice sides.

Sources: I plan to look for the arguments for each side in websites such as: the official democrat and republican websites, various right to life organizations, as well as the websites of organizations in favor of pro-choice.

Database Structure: I will organize my database by listing the reasons and then coming up with evidence and various appeals to support each of the reasons for my position on the issue. I would also list stakeholders in the issue and what the counterarguments for the reasons would be.

Rhetorical Situations: The two rhetorical situations that I would use are: 1) a letter to the legislation concerning all the reasons for why abortion should be made against the law and the evidence for them, and 2) an article for the opinions section of a newspaper to try to persuade readers to agree with my position on the issue.

My name is beckytag and my googledocs is

-Becky Taggart

October 17, 2009 at 10:55 pm 2 comments

Assignment Plan (Paper 3)


Ever since Bush proposed that the offshore drilling oil ban be lifted there has been large debate over whether or not this should be done. Recently, the bill has passed through the house and senate making it kairotic. The oil companies are claiming that new and improved technology would limit the damages of any potential oil spills but is this really the case? Do the pros outweigh the cons? The main question, however, is should the government allow oil drilling off the gulf coast of Florida?


When looking for sources, I want some that take opposite sides of the issue. I want to learn the opinions of people for offshore drilling and why they think it should be done and the same for those who oppose it. I also want sources covering the positions of all the stakeholders, including the oil companies, the government, environmentalists, Florida citizens, and tourists. In looking for quotes within these sources, I plan on making sure the speaker has credibility for speaking on the issue. Also I will be looking for arguments that use emotional and logical appeals to further emphasize my own argument.


I will organize my database based upon the reasons behind the argument and under that I will organize it based upon the stakeholders, data/facts/statistics to support it, counter arguments, and finally the sources.

Rhetorical Situations

1. A post in the newspaper addressed to the citizens of Florida proposing reasons why the ban on drilling should not be lifted and disputing the claims that the oil companies are making in favor of offshore drilling

2. A written letter addressed to the elected governor for the purpose of stopping the proposed lift on the ban on offshore drilling

Google and Delicious Account Names: eaf1570

October 17, 2009 at 9:17 pm 2 comments

Paper 3 Plan


Topic/Issue: The psychological/sociocultural phenomenon of oversharing (TMI), seeking to reach the stasis of definition about the word overshare, used in the debate. In other words, what does it mean to overshare and how do you know when you’ve done it?

Types of sources: I will use blogs, news articles, psychological articles, articles about sociological trends and social media, anecdotal evidence, and sources with information about professional ethics, privacy, and personality.

Database structure: I will organize my database in three tiers: by stasis theory (definition), by side (for or against), and by issue aspect/reason (psychological or sociocultural)

Relevance/ Significance: This is an important issue because as more and more students have online profiles on one medium or another and at the same time more and more colleges and employers are looking at these profiles during the decision process, students need to be aware of the information they put out on the internet. On a broader scale, this issue is important to our society as a whole because our interpersonal and work relationships are changing as a result of this new online exposure’s influence. On a psychological level, this issue is important because online personalities provide new ways for people to do things they might regret later.

Rhetorical Situation: I would present my findings either to a professional journal of psychology or sociology or in a publication where students are sure to read it such as the campus newspaper or even the local newspaper. I am planning on expanding this into a book or larger research project.

-Gail Parsons

My username for Delicious is gmpcollege. For GoogleDocs it’s

October 17, 2009 at 9:09 pm 1 comment

Paper 3

Topic/Issue: Controversy over the consideration of firing Coach Jim Zorn of the Washington Redskins

Types of sources: I plan to use many sports articles that reflect the sports worlds view on this, but I also plan to try and get some quotes from the individual players on the team to see their side.  I will use some well known sports columnist’s articles also.

Database structure: Since some of the players and columnists are for and against, I will have a for/against column, and an audience column.  There will be a stakeholder column since only certain people have power to resolve this issue.

Relevance/ Significance: This has been karotic ever since the beginning of the season and previous seasons for the Washington Redskins.  Depending on their performance, the issue may become more karotic as the season continues, and as long as the players are speaking out for or against this, this issue will be karotic.

Rhetorical Situation: The best way to present an argument for this may be in an editoral for a sports magazine or as a letter to the people that have the decision making power for this.

My user name for Delicious is AYork13 , and my Google Docs is

Alex York

October 17, 2009 at 7:59 pm 1 comment

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