Assignment Plan (Paper 3)

October 17, 2009 at 11:14 pm 2 comments

Topic/Issue: The U.S. Federal government should ban the use of texting while driving in all 50 states.

Types of sources: I plan to use sources that include: Time Magazine, Kansas City Star, The Wall Street Journal, Christian Science Monitor, and quotes from State Legislatures to build a strong ethos in my argument. These sources cover kairotic events, surveys by drivers, legal action, scientific studies, and politicians’ quotes.

Database structure: The structure and order of the columns in my database will be set up so that the information is given, the source, the rhetorical appeal, the audience, the stakeholders, and last any notes on the issue.

Relevance/ Significance: This issue has been kairotic ever since texting has become popular, esspecially among teens. Everyday people die because of texting and driving. The new comparisson is how the effects of texting and driving match up with the effects of drinking and driving. The issue is so kairotic that the right has been abolished in 17 states and the U.S. Congress is examining a nationwide illegalization of the priveledge.

Rhetorical Situation: I would like to see the research in an editorial to an newpaper, preferably online because a lot of grass-root Americans would have access to the issue at hand. In order to adhance the situation I want to contribute an anecdote to the information so that the readers can have some kind of emotional connection. I would use an emotional story to use a pathos appeal on the reader and effectively stand by the movement to ban texting in America while driving.

My user name for Delicious is grynard6857 , and my Google Docs is

Gavin Rynard

Entry filed under: Uncategorized.

Legalizing Marijuana18 My Plan: Paper 3

2 Comments Add your own

  • 1. jblakescott  |  October 19, 2009 at 8:35 pm

    Great issue, though it’s more likely that this would get taken up at the state rather than federal level, so you may want to focus on FL state law.

    Sounds like you’ve already done some research–good. I believe the _Sentinel_ ran an editorial on this issue within the past year.

    Remember to identify two specific rhetorical situations.

  • 2. grynard  |  October 22, 2009 at 11:44 pm

    The piece of legislation is sitting in the Senate and the goal of my research is to push the change on a nationwide level because texting and driving in Oregon is just as dangerous as texting and driving in Florida.
    My two specific rhetorical situations are an online editorial for a newspaper and a letter to legislatures about the dangers of texting and driving.


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